90% af íslenskum vefsíðum eru með gagnasöfnun í gangi. Tilheyrir vefsíðan þín þeim hópi?

Það eru mikil tækifæri sem myndast í kjölfarið af því að safna gögnum um notendur vefsíðunnar þinnar. Með gagnasöfnum getur þú t.d. stílað auglýsingar inn á þá aðila sem hafa verið að skoða vefinn þinn síðustu 30 daga eða aðila sem hafa sett einhverja vöru í körfu en ekki klárað kaupin.

Vefsiður sem ekki eru með gagnasöfnun í gangi missa því af mögulegum viðskiptavinum sem gætu verið að skila þeim inn miklum tekjum. Ekki láta þessa viðskiptavini framhjá þér fara. Bókaðu fund með okkur og fáðu að heyra hvaða lausnir eru í boði fyrir þitt fyrirtæki.

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// 02 . What we do

We take your business reach from thousands to millions

Promote tends to be the most reliable company for customers who deliver through services and also to build a value for all our stakeholders based on leadership It increases the count and quality of visitors to a website.

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Google AdWords Payment Detail

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Text Ad Performance

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Revenue Tracking Statistics

Grow traffic & draw clients to your business

Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.

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Optimizing your website and getting it placed

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Improvement in ranks will lead to increase traffic

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Well planned and executed SEO campaign

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Social Media Content Plan

We tends to be the most reliable company for customers who deliver through services.

Publishing & Execution

The vision of promote is to integrate the values of Perfection, collaboration and customer essence.

Measure & Scale

Promte aims to become a benchmark in the industry with the best practices, research & new opportunities.