Við höfum einnig öðlast sérfræðivottun á hverjum og einum miðli fyrir sig
Ódýrt, öflugt, mælanlegt og hægt að ná til margra á skömmum tíma.
Fellur undir sama hatt og Facebook. Flestar auglýsingar eru samkeyrðar á FB og IG.
Góður miðill til að búa til vörumerkjavitund eða vekja athygli á einhverju.
Auglýsingar sem birtast á milljónum vefsíða. Frábært til að auka sölu.
Auglýsingar sem birtast á leitarvél Google. Mjög mikilvægt markaðstól.
Veitum ráðgjöf á TikTok. Heitasti miðillinn í dag!
// 02 . What we do
Promote tends to be the most reliable company for customers who deliver through services and also to build a value for all our stakeholders based on leadership It increases the count and quality of visitors to a website.
Google AdWords Payment Detail
Text Ad Performance
Revenue Tracking Statistics
Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.
Optimizing your website and getting it placed
Improvement in ranks will lead to increase traffic
Well planned and executed SEO campaign
We tends to be the most reliable company for customers who deliver through services.
The vision of promote is to integrate the values of Perfection, collaboration and customer essence.
Promte aims to become a benchmark in the industry with the best practices, research & new opportunities.